四川大学 范久瑜副教授 学术报告


报告题目Ehrhart Theory and Schubert Matroid Polytopes

报告人范久瑜 副教授四川大学)



摘要Ehrhart theory is a theory on integer-point enumeration of polyhedra. Monical, Tockan and Yong first studied the Newton polytopes of various important polynomials in algebraic combinatorics. They conjecutred that the Newton polytopes of Schubert polynomials are Ehrhart positive. It was shown by Fink, Meszaros and St Dizier that the Newton polytopes of Schubert polynomials are the Minkowski sum of Schubert matroid polytopes. In this talk, we shall first recall some backgrounds on Ehrhart theory and Schubert polynomials, and then report some progress on the Ehrhart polynomial of Schubert matroid polytopes. This talk is based on joint work with Yao Li.

报告人简介 范久瑜,四川大学数学学院副教授,主要从事 Schubert 计数演算的组合学、凸多面体的组合学等课题的研究。与合作者解决了JAMS前副编辑Vic Reiner, JAMS现任编辑Thomas Lam, 《组合年刊》现编委Alex Yong,以及F. Brenti等学者提出的公开猜想。与合作者给出了Schubert多项式各项系数达到上界的条件,该结果被ICM报告人June Huh与其合作者引用且用来证明了各项系数达到上界的Schubert多项式是洛伦兹多项式。部分研究成果发表在Math Z, Math Comput, JCTA, SIAM J Discrete Math, Adv  Appl  Math, Sci China Math等期刊上。先后主持国家自然科学青年基金、面上项目等。



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