上海数学中心 吴河辉研究员 学术报告


报告题目Orientations of Graphs with Forbidden out-degree Lists Combinatorics of Eulerian-type polynomials

报告人 吴河辉 研究员(上海数学中心)


报告地点腾讯会议ID:  428-738-341

摘要Let G be a graph and F: V(G)\mapsto 2^\mathbb{N} be a mapping. The graph G is said to be F- avoidable if there exists an orientation D of G such that for each vertex v, the out-degree d^+_D(v)\not\in F(v). It was conjectured by Akbari, Dalirrooyfard, Ehsani,Ozeki and Sherkati that if |F(v)|\le (d(v)-1)/2 for each vertex v, then G is F-avoiding , and they showed that |F(v)|\le d(v)/4 suffices.  By using Combinatorial Nullestellensatz theorem, we improve the bound to |F(v)|\le [d(v)/3]. Furthermore, if the maximum degree is sub-exponentail of the minimum degree \delta, then if |F(v)|\le \(sqrt{2}-1-o(1))d(v)\approx (0.41+o(1))d(v) for each vertex v, then G is F-avaidable. This is joint work with Peter Bradshaw, Bojan Mohar in Simon Fraser University, and my students Yaobin Chen, Hao Ma in Fudan University.

报告人简介 现任复旦大学上海数学中心青年研究员。2011 年在伊利诺伊大学获博士学位,师从 Douglas West 教授。2011 年至 2013 在 McGill 大学做博士后,指导教师是加拿大皇家院士 Bruce Reed 教授。2013-2014 在 Simon Fraser 大学任 PIMS 博士后,指导教授为 Bojan Mohar 教授。2014-2016 年任密西西比大学助理教授(Tenure Track)2019 年入选上海市教委曙光学者计划。主要研究结构图论与极值组合,在 JCTB.ComobinatoricaForum of Mathematics-Sigma, SODA等高水平杂志或会议上发表多篇文章。现承担国家自然基金重点项目子项目1项。




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