加拿大卡尔顿大学 Zhicheng Gao教授 学术报告


报告题目:The distribution of chromatic number of a random map on a given surface

人:Zhicheng Gao,加拿大卡尔顿大学


报告地点:Zoom,会议ID: 927 1247 0123,密码: 536745

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摘要:The famous Four Color Theorem says that every planar map is 4-colorable. The Map Color Theorem says that every map with Euler characteristic $c\le 0$ can be properly colored using $\left\lfloor \frac{1}{2}\left(7+\sqrt{49-24c}\right)\right\rfloor$ colors, and this bound is tight except for the Klein bottle. For example, $K_7$ can be embedded in the torus which attains the bound 7. Two natural questions arise: on a given surface what is the chromatic number of a typical map? what is the distribution of the chromatic number of a random map? In this talk, we will survey some results about these two questions and closely related results about locally planar maps. Some open problems/conjectures will also be mentioned.


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